🌹About Meh🌹

Greetings, traveler! The name’s Dee. I’m a digital artist with a knack for expressing creativity though the tablet pen.
As you can see, I LOVE to draw a lot of cartoony, vibrant, and colorful art: whether it’s animals or humans. I also enjoy designing sequential art and comics... when I'm not sleeping.
Please don't be afraid to DM me and chat, I loved making connections and just chatting it up! I'm just bad at keeping convos up to date most times and I'm literally the Queen of late replies oof (and the Queen of using excess emojis when ever I talk)
😵😵😵...see what I mean?


I do have other interests I think about, talk about, draw about, etc!! Such as
❤️️Red Dead Redemption
❤️️Mario Party stuff
❤️️Stimming blogs
❤️️Any Analog Horror series (Main sub-interst rn)
❤️️Some anime (kinda taking a break on it as a whole, but ones I did watch I love talking about it~)
Mmmmbuuuuut you can prolly tell that my main hyperfixiation is Toontown (mostly the Cogs bc boy are they a riot... in a good way~)I know I'm, probably messing up the meaning of TT with my shipping nonsense but fk it, CRINGE CULTURE IS DEAD.
Let my Toons and Cogs kiss in peace kthnx~💋

❗️Things to Consider/BYF-ish❗️

As a heads up, I am so sorry if I don't get back to you as quick as you'd expect as a reply. I can be a slow as snail bc I'm just bad at keeping up convos in general, so I only ask you be patient with me!😅Alsoooo not sure if I'm too transparent or if anyone can tell.. but uhhhhh-I'm an INFP: so yeah, y'know what that means. I'm a full blown mediator. So any type of drama or discourse is not welcome here or with me. I'm not down for any that shit bc its annoying and distressing for me to witness or be apart of.However, if I'm watching someone that is currently doing something that's awful and shit, PLEASE let me know/show me what's up so I'll be aware and distant of them.That being said,
I don't associate with awful, disgusting people, so keep in mind:
-if you're an anti-vaxxer
-racist, xenophobic
-misogynist or misandrist
-an extremist on both sides
Look.Just don't be gross. Don't be toxic weirdo. Be a decent human being. You literally have no excuse to act nasty and it costs $0 to be a good person. I can understand and tolerate some black/dark comedy to an extent, but I can tell when you're being malicious and just downright hateful. So if you're like that or any of the things I mentioned above, I DON'T WANT YOU NEAR ME IN THE SLIGHTEST.Be a degenerate somewhere else!